Tuesday 1 November 2011


31/10/11 - teeeny tiny weight loss this week of just 0.1Kg

So, reflecting on the week (well, actually only 5 days) a lot has happened:
- move to phase 3, introducing bread and other carbs
- move to phase 3 introducing bars for afternoon snack instead of a sachet
- been out pretty well every night, including several dinners (all to plan as well as possible, but not as controlled as eating at home - suspect some oil / protein quantities too high)
- couple of days of having evening meal early and snack later - not ideal
- had a strange weight day anyway (4 lb heavier than Sunday on my scales at home, and then 4lb lighter again on Tuesday - bizarre!)

So, given how this has been such a strange week, I'm not disappointed that I didn't lose anything this week. However, it does emphasise that there is only so far you can push or change things before something gives.

The rest of this week is much more normal though, so hopefully we'll be back to a reasonable loss at my next weigh in on Wednesday.

Cross fingers!

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