Tuesday 1 November 2011

Lovely Dinner at Mums

Went to mum's tonight for dinner - easier now on phase 2. Chicken with herbs, cauli, carrots and purple sprouting brocolli. Mum had potatoes and gravy with hers, but I just used my olive oil allowance with some herbs - in a kind of "cheffy drizzle".

It was lovely, and nice to be "back to normal" going to mum's for dinner without making her do something completely different.

It did spark a discussion on portion sizes - weighing out the amounts for me makes us both realise that we probably normally eat too much - veg and chicken etc., compared to what we really need. I'm so much more used to this now, these portions feel right to me.

It's especially easy though when you've had a snack 2 or 3 hours earlier - since it takes any edge off your appetite.

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