Thursday 12 January 2012

Poster Girl

I am the new poster girl for Alizonne!

The clinic (Alizonne) have featured me in their latest advert, which is in Janary's Cheshire Life, Yorkshire Life and an inflight magazine somewhere.

I've recieved lots of lovely feedback - from people I know and from some I don't - and I wanted to take this opportunity to say thank you.

The photos are real - there is no manipulation or air brushing going on here - I really was that big (and that's not even my biggest) and now I really am that slim! And yes, I love it.

Someone did ask my (proud showing off the ad) mum which one of the ladies was me - I clearly look soooooo different in the pics.

And my boss got a shock when he was just about to turn in for the night and his wife (in bed next to him reading a magazine) suddenly yelled "OMG, it's Dawn. Look!!"

And do I have a copy of the ad framed? You bet - my husband made one for me for Christmas.


  1. Dawn
    Many congratulations and well done. it brings a new dimension to absolutely fabulous.

    I hope you keep posting your continued success, it certainly helps to keep motivated.
    Kind Regards
    Anne (Sachet)

  2. Hi Dawn

    Michele from forums here. You look amazing and well done! Celeb or what?!??! Still love reading your blog and the lovely new food creations with calorie values. It's great to know you are doing well post Alizonne. I put on a little over xmas but have lowered my calorie intake to 1200 which is helping me shift the extra pounds. My final medgem was for 1500. Keep up the great work and keep blogging. Love reading it!! xoxox Michele
