Thursday 5 January 2012

I'm only 11

05/01/12 - 11 stone 13 1/2 - yes, that is an eleven at the front of that number! Heaven only knows when I was last below 12 stone, probably when I was about 15.

So, all the Christmas poundage and more has now gone - remarkable in just 4 days of counting calories and being strict with it. I've managed to stay below 1400 cals most days, with one at just 1500, so it's clearly working.

Think I can safely up it to my maintenance limit now, and do 1650 cals per day (although once the Christmas cake runs out I'm not sure how I will eat that many calories in a day!).

I'll keep you posted :-)

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on being 11 st 13 1/2 it must be a fantastic feeling. I lost 3 1/2 lbs this week so thats the christmas blip and an another 1 1/2lbs off, only 2 3/4 lbs to go and I will have lost 2 stone since the 20 Nov only another 3 stone to go, isnt it a lovely feeling. Like you I am back in unchartered terriory not been there for years. Do you feel like going lower or are you at your ideal weight and bmi for your height.
    Kind Regards

