Monday 23 January 2012

Food Glorious Food

I love food programmes. I must watch almost all of them on TV. You'd think they would make me hungry, and in the case of anything with James Martin, fatter! But whilst they might whet my appetite, they don't actually make me salivate. They do, however, inspire me to think about food in a different way.

Now, I've always been a foodie - I'm sure food would be my chosen subject should I ever find myself forced into the black mastermind chair. But what I really love is the science of cooking - why do things go together, why do things behave the way they do and how do you make unexpected things happen?

Maybe that's why I'm currently loving Heston's new series - because it's as much about the science as the food.

Haven't watched the one on chocolate yet. Even though I know better, I feel like I might put on a pound just looking at his recipes. But I'll gird my loins and pluck up the courage to watch it later. So if I report a massive weight increase tomorrow, you'll all know the TV got me!

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