Tuesday 31 January 2012

Bad Habits

I have this picture on my office wall - it helps remind me how far I've come. I notice it every lunchtime, and it keeps me on the straight and narrow.

Just recently though, I've notice some bad habits creeping back in - but at least I've noticed, so I can take action.

Eating little and often:
I've been missing my mid-morning snack and having lunch early - so only having 4 meals a day instead of 5. Whilst I've been "good" at lunchtime, this might lead me to bigger portions for lunch as I will be hungrier. I think I've been doing it because it's easier and fits in with everyone else's routine - but for 8 months I kept my own routine with no problem, so it has to stop - today I'm back on track. I've had my mid morning snack, and have a salad lined up and ready for lunch around 2pm.

Eating slowly and mindfully:
I've been multi-tasking my way through meals, lunch in particular, eating whilst doing email and so on. This too has to stop. And I've been eating quicker too, so it's back to making a concious effort to slow down, putting down my knife and fork between mouthfuls, and thinking about eating.

Evening snacks:
We would often have something to eat late in the evening - 9ish - and for months I didn't do this, but just recently we've started doing it again. Dinner time has to go later (back to 8 o'clock instead of 7) so that we're still full until bedtime. I blame my hubby for this one, it's his weak point so he raids the cupboard for a snack, but it too has to stop.

I've been surprised at how invidiously this has crept back into our routine - like stealth habits, sneaking up on us. However, like a rubbish game of "what time is it mr wolf?" it's been caught, and therefore has lost!

New year, new me, and I will NOT be defeated by these habits.

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