Monday 26 September 2011

Updates on Beck plan

So I'm now on day 14 of the Beck plan, and have been doing some useful tasks.
  • I read my list of reasons to lose weight everyday - prompted by my phone, which beeps them at me just before lunchtime.
  • I eat everything sat down, and eat slowly and mindfully. This felt strange a first, but is already becoming a habit (not the sitting bit, I almost always did that, but I have slowed down my eating a lot). I tend to eat at my desk during the day, and find I have to force myself not to do other things at the same time (such as email, reading etc.)
  • I go through a list of all the things I'm pleased with myself for each night - usually it contains sticking the plan, taking my medicine and doing a bit of exercise. Other days it also includes preparing food for the next couple of days and things like that.
  • I've made a list of distraction techniques - things to try when I'm feeling hungry so that I don't eat until it's time. However, I rarely feel hungry, so this hasn't been put into practice yet.
  • I'm also starting to make daily plans of what I'm doing during the day, scheduling in eating and exercise. This bit is easy really, as my mealtimes are faily fixed.
  • Tomorrow is the first day when I will also follow a food plan. Again, this is fairly easy at this stage, as I'm still following the strictness of the Alizonne plan, so I generally plan my food the night before (at least) anyway.
So, that's where I'm up to - I'm finding it useful, even though some of the skills aren't really needed yet, I'm hoping that by the time I go onto maintenance in a few weeks, these will have become habits and will form part of my coping strategy.

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