Thursday 15 September 2011

Getting into the right mindset

My sister, who's a counsellor specialising in CBT, recommended this book to me as a way for me to prepare for ending my diet and going onto maintenance. It's not a diet plan, but a mental approach to dieting or maintaining a certain weight, based on Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT).

The book explains the theory and then sets daily tasks for a period of 6 weeks. By starting it now, I should have built up the skills to cope when I've finished with the phased bit of the Alizonne plan.

I thought I'd share with you some of the tips I learn along the way. If you want to join in, you can get the book on Amazon. There are 2 books, the original and a workbook. You don't need them both, just pick one. If you get the original, you will also need a big notebook and you'll need to spend more time writing. If you get the workbook, the pages are all ready for you to write your own stuff in - so it depends what you want to do.

I started this yesterday, and the task was to make a list of the reasons I want to lose weight and keep it off. Fairly easy this one, as you will have seen I already have a list of 60 reasons! But I have to make this list easily available and read it everyday, to reinforce my reasons, so it will be easier to remember them when I'm confronted with temptation. I've set the main ones up on my phone, which is set to go off and remind me of them everyday just before lunch, so let's see how well that goes.

Today, I have to choose a primary diet (easy, Alizonne) and a back up diet to revert to if I get bored. The theory is that by having a plan B now, I won't spend weeks floundering if I need a change. Think plan B will be Slimming World Extra Easy, because I've done it before and think it's a natural fit with the healthy eating habits I'm learning.

I'm sure there will be plenty of food for thought along the way, but so far, so good.

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