Saturday 24 September 2011

Having a bad day

Today was not a good day.

We wnt to a pub for lunch and I had a roast beef dinner with no potatoes - not too bad in terms of the plan, but a bit disappointing in terms of flavour. It was so difficult to find something on the menu that was viable even on Phase 2, and we were out in the sticks with not a lot of options.

Back in town later on, it all just got too much for me. I was seeing food and cakes and lovely local produce at every corner and I'm thoroughly bored with green salad and resisting temptation, I was also sooooo tired (not sleeping and doing lots of walking wears you out). We went to a shop to get some more teabags and right there, right amongst the tea and jars of coffee, I just burst into tears. Big, fat, hot drops fell out of my eyes and down my face.

Fortunately hubby was close by and gave me a big cuddle, and told me I was doing so well and not far to go and here's a hankie which all helped. I left the shop - leaving him to pay for the tea and had a few more tears outside.

We went back to our holiday appt and I was still feeling out of sorts - down and tearful, and tired. Later on, I made my dinner, swearing at celery and green pepper which today I am very fed up of and very antagonistic towards. Ate my salad and consoled myself with pancakes with lemon and "sugar".

I'm sure I'll be fine - it's probably just hormones and tiredness, and I have felt like this on occasions before. I know it will pass, but it feels miserable.

Now, dear reader, I know you think I always put a brave face on things and paint a rosy picture, but generally that's how my life is. I've been finding this diet easy because generally I don't feel tempted by other things so don't have to resist. I did debate whether to confess to this outburst of weakness and tears - but not confessing wouldn't be very honest. And I do try and be honest with you every day, so that if you are reading this as support for your own journey, you can see what it's really like for someone else.

So, there you go, tears and all. It's not always easy or plain sailing, but it's a journey and I'm another day closer to the final destination.

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