Thursday 4 August 2011

Waisting Away!

Measured all my vital statistics last night, just to see how much I'd shrunk. Couldn't believe it!

The scores on the doors...
Calves - down from 19" to 18.5" - 1/2" loss
Bingo wings - down from 16" to 15" - 1" loss
Thighs - down from 30" to 27" - 3" loss
Bust - down from 47" to 42" - 5" loss
Hips - down from 60" to 53" - 7" loss (and easier to measure, can actually get tape measure round now!)
and top of the pops...
Waist - down from 46" to 36.5" - 9.5" loss!

I'm 5'4", so you can imagine how "chunky" I was - but clearly getting smaller all the time!

Isn't funny, dear reader, that I will share these intimate details with you, my size, my weight, my feelings - but ask my age and I'll poke your eye out!

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