Monday 1 August 2011

Embarrassing Bodies

Just been watching C4's Embarrassing Fat Bodies - Back to the clinic. If you haven't seen EB before, basically members of the public go on TV to talk to doctors, on screen, about their most embarrassing issues. I think they are hugely brave, and think it is helpful to others who might be too scared to air their issues.

The "Fat bodies" special obviously focusses on those who are morbidly obese, and generally the recommendations are diet and excercise, bariatic surgery and skin reduction surgery - generally in that order.

I think it's a real shame that they never cover alternatives such as the Alizonne plan, which can help with the weight loss and the skin reduction - not that it will completely eliminate excess skin in those with a lot of weight to lose, but it certainly reduces the need.

If you want to see the dramatic effects of being overweight, or of losing 20 stones and what happens to your body without other help, then this is definitely worth a watch.

It also stops me feeling hungry, and makes me very happy about the path I've chosen.

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