Tuesday 9 August 2011

Chicken Nuggets

Made chicken nuggets for my lunch today, in the microwave at work. This makes me think 2 things:
- why did they call them chicken nuggets? Chicken bites would have sounded healthier
- how did I live before the microwave was invented? I now use it for so many things, especially when, like today, I have an extra 5 mins in bed and don't have time to prepare my lunch properly! Thank goodness we're lucky enought to have a kitchen at work!

They were OK - a little bit dry done this way, so next time I'll need to add a bit more water. Thinking of adding some chilli flakes or spring onions too, think that would be lovely. And now I'm wondering what they'd be like cooked in tomato sauce and served with runner beans for spagghetti and meatballs, or made into fritters with the sheep's cheese... Ohh so many ideas for experimenting!

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