Thursday 21 July 2011

Swim, Swim, Swim

Decided that I should do more excercise (or at least some - I haven't done any for about 2 months, so "more" is perhaps over-egging it!). Thanks to all those on the Alizonne Forum who have planted the seed, watered it, given it growmore and can see it now fully germinate into a trip to the Sports Hall!

So, I've just been for a swim - about 50 lengths (50 mins). My swimsuit still fits (i.e. it's not too big yet) but it's so much easier to get on - hardly had to wiggle to get into it at all!

Took a bottle of orange and pineapple with me, and drank some every 10 lenths to keep me hydrated.

Felt a bit lightheaded at the end, but finished off with 2 lengths of full power backstroke, which might explain it.

Not sure if my hair is falling out, or if some got broken with my goggle straps - but there was definitely more on my comb than normal - will have to keep on eye on that.

Anyway, feeling great, not really tired but very pleased with myself!

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