Thursday 28 July 2011

Mind Games

Out for dinner last night with 4 other Alizonners, and the conversation turned to mind games that we play with ourselves.

It started when one of the group confessed that she'd been on a train last week, and was so surprised that she fit in the seat, that she stood up and sat down again, twice! Still not convinced that she had shrunk rather than train seats beeing unexplicably larger, she tried a different seat!

On the topic of temptation, one said her way of dealing with it was to imagine all the food she couldn't eat contained something toxic, like arsenic, so it would poison her to eat it.

And it transpires that the best time to start a diet is actually bedtime - that way the first 12 hours are easy - and when you get up you don't have to decide whether to start today or not, because you've already been dieting for 12 hours!

I find it helpful to imagine the weight I've lost as some solid object (or objects). I did tell someone this week I've lost a 10 year old, but it got misconstued and they thought I was a bad mother.

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