Sunday 29 April 2012

Company for Dinner

My niece came for diiner tonight, before we went to a comedy gig. She's also watching her weight, so low cal all the way tonight.

This is homemade pea and mint soup, with some crispy pancetta on top (which is where all the calories are!)

I made it with shallots, sweated off with 1/2 Tbsp olive oil, then added a veg stock pot cube, some fresh peas and some boiling water - then cooking it until the peas were done. I added a big handful of chopped mint and blitzed with a stick blender until smooth.

In the meantime, I crisped the panchetta between two baking sheets (to keep it flat) in a hot oven for about 7 mins. You could skip the pancetta if you want to reduce the calories even more.

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