Saturday 24 December 2011

Health review

So I had a health assessment recently - I have them annually - and my results have changed significantly.

First of all, obviously I am much lighter, and my BMI has come down from 42 to 29 and I am now officially overweight! So that's a dramatic difference from being morbidly obese.

Secondly, my lung capacity has increased - and since lungs can't grow, this can only be because they aren't being squashed by being surrounded by fat.

My diabetes risk score has also dropped - it will never be very low, as two of my immediate family have diabetes, but it's dropped from high risk to moderate.

Cholesterol hasn't changed much - I thought it might have dropped since I've been so low fat, but I'm not sure that you can change cholesterol levels by diet.

The doctor was very pleased, as was the doctor at the Alizonne clinic - so everyone is happy!

So, the objective for next year is to get fitter and keep off the weight - I'm setting myself an upper limit of 12 stone 4, since I know my weight can go up and down by about 4 lbs a day. Let's see how we get on over Christmas.

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