The one that he found most workable was the 5-2 diet, where you restrict your calorie intake for 2 days, but then eat normally on the other 5.
My sister and niece have both been doing it for a while, and I thought I'd give it a go - not only to lose weight (I've still got a few holiday pounds to shift) but also because it reputedly has additional health benefits, such as lowering blood sugars and chloresterol levels.
I've decided to do my low (500) calorie days on Tuesdays and Wednesdays in the main, as these are days when I'm least likely to go out or have other committments. Today is my first day.
There are several options on how to distribute the calories during the day - some people have all 500 for breakfast or dinner, some spread them out.
I'm spreading mine out, and it's surprising how far they will go!
So today is stacking up like this:
Breakfast = 1 grapefruit, 90 cals
Lunch = turkey salad, no dressing, a few boiled potatoes (see pic) 130 cals
Afternoon snack = pineapple and melon, 80 cals
Dinner = veg stir fry, with soy sauce and rice wine vinegar, 120 cals
After dinner = activia fat free yoghurt, 70 cals
Total calores = 490 - and I've had 4 meals
I'll keep you posted as to how it works - but so far, so good.